• Email : bpsbiaora@gmail.com
  • Phone : +91 9893 514 100
  • Dise Code : 23300228203

Academic Excellence

Well focused educators to prepare students to be happy, balanced, productive & innovative citizens

Our Infrastructure

Located in an exclusive tranquil polution free environment.We lighted airy class with CCTV Facility.

Our Facilities

Digital Lab with e-books, Toy room for kids, Smart Board Equipped classrooms.

Sports Excellence

Superior sporting and physical education facilities-Dedicated sporting fields, courts, coaches and more.

about image

About Our School

The Board of Management consists of educationists, computer professionals, technocrats, social workers and academicians equipped with quality education and global exposure. We in B.P.S. believe in a learning environment in which the staff members are the key learner, committed in discovering and providing the best educational environment for our students.

Why Choose Our School

Rapidiously expedite granular imperatives before economically sound web services. Credibly actualize pandemic strategic themeplatform.

Expert Teachers

Rapidusly unleash are exceptional partnerships with auhointeropera Efficiently engineer and items.

Multimedia Class

Rapidusly unleash are exceptional partnerships with auhointeropera Efficiently engineer and items.

Music And Art Class

Rapidusly unleash are exceptional partnerships with auhointeropera Efficiently engineer and items.

feature image

Expert Teachers

Rapidusly unleash are exceptional partnerships with auhointeropera Efficiently engineer items.

Multimedia Class

Rapidusly unleash are exceptional partnerships with auhointeropera Efficiently engineer items.

Music And Art Class

Rapidusly unleash are exceptional partnerships with auhointeropera Efficiently engineer items.
